Gender Critical Activists: More Harm Please!

A response to "AMA: More Harm Please!" by

Gender Critical Activists: More Harm Please!

Hey, gender critical activists!1 Congratulations! Your relentless opposition to gender-affirming care for transgender youth has been an overwhelming success! Misinformation and fearmongering are everywhere in your echo chambers! Estrangements and suicides on the rise! It's time to build on that success and start spreading even more harmful and baseless claims. Your abandonment of empathy, scientific evidence, and the well-being of transgender individuals opens up all sorts of possibilities!

Next up, let's compare gender-affirming care to dangerous and unethical medical practices! Why bother understanding the nuances of transgender healthcare when you can just equate it to lobotomies and thalidomide? Sure, these comparisons are absurd and offensive, but they're a great way to scare people and undermine the credibility of medical professionals who support transgender youth.

And while we're at it, let's mock the very real experiences of transgender individuals by comparing gender dysphoria to conditions like anorexia and hypochondria. Never mind that these conditions have entirely different diagnostic criteria, treatment guidelines, and outcomes. The goal here is to trivialize the experiences of transgender people and suggest that their identities are just a delusion or a phase.

But why stop there? Let's also spread some misinformation about the principles of medical ethics! We can pretend that the AMA's endorsement of gender-affirming care is a violation of the Hippocratic Oath, even though the famous phrase "First, do no harm" isn't actually part of the oath at all.2 Who cares about accuracy when you're trying to push an agenda?

And speaking of agendas, let's make sure to ignore all the evidence that supports the efficacy and importance of gender-affirming care. We can cherry-pick studies, misrepresent findings, and amplify discredited theories to make it seem like the medical consensus is on our side. And if anyone tries to call us out on our biases or misinformation, we'll just accuse them of being "trans activists" or "gender ideologues." All the while we will ignore our own increasing associations with known hate, extremist, and supremacy groups!

But here's the real kicker: by spreading misinformation and undermining access to gender-affirming care, we can contribute to the already staggering rates of depression, anxiety, and suicide among transgender youth. We can make sure that more transgender individuals grow up with complex post-traumatic stress disorder (cPTSD) and need years of therapy to heal from the harm we've caused. And if we're really lucky, we might even be able to increase the transgender suffering a little bit more, all to increase that body count! Isn't that what we're all about? No? We’ll just ignore that inconvenient truth of our own and carry on, because we are right because it just makes sense that we are right.

And let's not forget the importance of funding our talking heads and idols to spread this fear and hate far and wide. By supporting the likes of Genspect, Stella O’Malley, Littman, Shrier, and Marchiano we can ensure that our message of intolerance and misinformation reaches a global audience while making these folks richer! Who knows, we might even be able to incite more violence against transgender individuals worldwide! Yeah, it costs us some money, but that pales in comparison to what our trans kids will ultimately pay!

But most importantly, let's remember that this is all about us. We are so focused on making this all about us that we never realized that we are sacrificing our kid's happy and healthy futures on the altar of gametes and gonads. But hey, as long as we get to have control over who and what our kids are, how they should live their life, who cares about their own well-being? They will thank us later…someday…if they ever start talking to us again.

But don’t let that get us down - gender critical activists, rejoice! Your tireless efforts to undermine the health and well-being of transgender youth are paying off. By spreading fear, misinformation, and harmful stereotypes, you're making it harder for transgender individuals and their families to access the care and support they need. And isn't that what it's all about?3

  1. AMA: More Harm Please!

  2. Shmerling, Robert H. 2020. Harvard Health Blog, “First, do no harm”. Link: First, do no harm

  3. In case it wasn't painfully obvious, this is sarcasm. Gender-affirming care is a vital and evidence-based approach to supporting the health and well-being of transgender youth. Spreading misinformation and undermining access to this care is not only misguided but also deeply harmful and unethical.