It Is Your Sacred Duty To Endanger The Lives Of As Many Trans People As Possible
It's a dirty job, but someone has got to do it

The task of reporting and sharing the truth is not a simple one. Each and every day, bloggers and parents at publications like Reality’s Last Stand, PITT, Genspect, and others make difficult decisions about which issues should receive attention, knowing that our stories and testimonies will influence not only how people think, but also how they act. This responsibility is at the core of an ongoing debate over whether our coverage of transgender, non-binary, and gender-nonconforming people is unduly biased. As the responsible parents, adults, and people with a blog and a voice, with a daily readership of a non-zero number, we are compelled to weigh in even more.
We firmly believe that it is our sacred duty to endanger the lives of as many trans people as possible
“Trent” is a 14-year-old assigned female at birth trans identified woman who now identifies as male against the wishes of his her parents. Her transition was supported by one of her unmarried teachers, who is not a virgin. She stole her parents’ car and drove to the nearest planned parenthood where she shot up with testosterone, xerox’d the two pre-filled surgery letters she needed, and took those with her straight to the hospital, where a doctor immediately began performing top surgery on her - she had no money, so the surgeon was paid from your taxes (and he retired filthy rich once the state paid the bill). Afterward, driving home drunk from the hospital, Trent became suicidally depressed, and she wonders now, bearded and flat-chested, homeless and ridden with gonorrhea, if transitioning was a mistake.
We just made Trent up, and that’s okay. It doesn’t mean stories like his aren’t potentially happening everywhere, constantly. Good citizenship and parenting is is about finding those stories, even when they don’t exist, and reporting them to anyone who is willing to listen. It’s about asking the tough questions and ignoring the answers you don’t like, then offering misleading evidence in service of preordained editorial conclusions. In our case, endangering trans people is the north star that guides our narrative. Frankly, if our work isn’t putting trans people further at risk of trauma, violence, and suicide, then we consider it a failure.
We stand behind our obsessed-seeming torrent of articles, sob stories, and essays on trans people, which we believe faithfully depicts their lived experiences as weird and gross, the result of being captured by the woke mind virus leftist cult religion. We remain dedicated to finding the angles that best frame the basic rights of the gender-nonconforming as up for debate, and we will use these same angles over and over again in hopes that this repetition makes them suffer, and indoctrinates new troops to our ranks. As parents, concerned citizens, as warriors, it is our our duty to entertain any and all pseudoscience that gives bigotry an intellectual veneer. We must be diligent in laundering our vitriol through the posture of investigative, intellectual, or philosophical inquiry, and we must be allowed to fixate on the genitals and gametes.
It is against free speech to stop us from fixating on the genitals and gametes. We know, we pooled some money together and checked with some lawyers.
Much of the recent debate concerns medical procedures, particularly in children, and whether things like hormone replacement therapy or gender-affirming surgeries are safe and appropriate. Indeed, there are critical questions to be asked about the social complexities of gender, as well as medical ethics in a profit-driven healthcare system. We are simply not interested in any of that. Instead, we will use flawed data and spurious logic to repeatedly write the same hand-wringing arguments and telling our sometimes real sometimes entirely made up sob stories, asking whether there are suddenly too many trans people around. Or that gender and trans kids don’t exist. Our integrity demands nothing less.
Naturally, courageous investigative reporting and research like ours has its detractors. Our critics accuse us of transphobia and are trying to murder us online, with their online mobs. They want to destroy our right to free speech and have us arrested by all the police so they can take our kids away and start transing them ASAP! What gives? Why would you arrest us, when it’s those deviant sick twisted trans pedo-groomers you ought to be arresting instead? Do you know what the science says about trans people getting arrested, huh? What if we could find data saying trans people should be more likely to get arrested? What will our detractors say then? They’ll be silent, as well they should be, and free speech will survive one more day. Filthy groomers.
For more evidence of our time-honored commitment to endangering lives, please see our previous coverage of gay people, immigrants, Black people, and women.
Institutions and every person with platforms like ours must be open to different ways of endangering the trans community. That might mean using the framework of medical care as a bogeyman to imply that trans people are engaged in something sinister. That might mean turning isolated instances of detransitioning into sweeping generalizations about children being groomed. That might mean identifying the worst prejudices that transgender people face—and encouraging our readers to adopt them.
Did you forget yet about how we wrote that there might be data showing that trans people should be more likely to get arrested? What if that were true? Or what if non-binary people are ten times more likely to traffic infants? What if puberty blockers are a kind of sex crime? What if doctors are climbing through windows to suture penises to sleeping cheerleaders? The next time you see a trans person, you ought to ask yourself these questions.
All great bloggers, concerned citizens and parents alike, and even those lesser journalists and professionals who don’t work for in any relevant field concerning trans people, will eventually ponder why we do what we do. Is the point of researching, blogging, and reporting to illuminate the world around us, so that we may make meaning of it? Or is it to cause people in minority groups to question their humanity and persuade others to demonize them? We know where we stand, proudly dreaming of genitals (and gametes).
Research shows that trans people are over four times more likely than cisgender people to be the victim of a violent crime. We salute you bloggers, writers, victimized parents, and authors, and journalists across the blogo-sphere and in the media who are working tirelessly to make that number even higher.
In all seriousness, the kind of biased anti-trans rhetoric we've satirized here has very real and devastating consequences. Consider that:
- Research shows transgender people are over four times more likely than cisgender people to be victims of violent crime. Source: UCLA Williams Institute, 2021
- Studies have found that transgender youth who have unsupportive families are at significantly higher risk for attempting suicide. Acceptance and support from family can be life-saving. Source: The Trevor Project, 2022
Moreover, the negative media coverage and online hate targeting the transgender community can have serious real-world impacts. Studies suggest that exposure to negative stereotypes and dehumanizing rhetoric in media can contribute to a cultural climate that increases transgender people's vulnerability to violence and discrimination Source: Journal of Adolescent Health, 2019. Hate speech online has also been linked to increased prejudice and decreased support for transgender rights Source: Sex Roles, 2016, and can even be a predictor of real-world hate crimes Source: Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on World Wide Web, 2015. Lest we forget that which is stochastic terrorism has been on the rise, targeting mostly trans people and their allies.
We may have stretched the truth to the point of absurdity in our satire, but the dire threats and challenges faced by the transgender community are all too real. It's no laughing matter. The online communities, media, and most certainly each and every parent of a trans kid have a responsibility to avoid contributing to a climate of prejudice that have dire and tragic consequences.
Our kids deserve better than this. BE BETTER THAN THIS.
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