Layers of Delusion

A Parent's Guide to Blaming Everyone But Yourself

Layers of Delusion

In a heart-wrenching tale of parental martyrdom, the brave author of "Layers of Sadness1" takes us on a journey through the unimaginable tragedy of having a transgender child. Because, as we all know, there's nothing more devastating than watching your child become their authentic self.

The author's son, "Mark2," has clearly fallen victim to the nefarious "trans cult," a shadowy organization that roams college campuses, snatching unsuspecting students and forcing them to adopt new gender identities. Never mind that Mark is a legal adult capable of making his own decisions – clearly, he's been brainwashed by the "evil mind virus" of gender ideology.

But fear not, dear readers, for our heroic parent is here to save the day! With a heavy heart and a heavier martyr complex, they bravely soldier on, enduring the unimaginable pain of having a child who doesn't conform to their narrow expectations of gender. They courageously misgender their son at every turn, refusing to acknowledge his identity because, as we all know, parents always know best.

The author's husband is equally devastated, feeling "rejected as a male role model" by his son's transition. Because apparently, the only way to be a good father is to have a child who perfectly embodies traditional masculinity. Never mind that true fatherhood is about unconditional love and support, not rigid gender roles.

But it's not just the parents who suffer – even the family photos are a source of unspeakable anguish. The author agonizes over whether to take down pictures of their once-perfect family, now tainted by the presence of a transgender child. Because heaven forbid we acknowledge that family love and memories can transcend gender identity.

And let's not forget the ultimate tragedy: the author's "golden years" have been forever tarnished by their child's transition. Because apparently, the key to a fulfilling retirement is having children who never deviate from the script you've written for them.

But amidst all this self-pity and melodrama, there's one glaring omission: any real consideration for Mark's feelings, experiences, or well-being. The author is so wrapped up in their own "layers of sadness" that they fail to see the layers of delusion and prejudice that color their every word.

They cling to the idea that Mark's gender identity is a "delusion," a "fantasy," or a symptom of his alleged autism. Because it's easier to blame a neurological condition than to accept that your child is transgender. Never mind that there's no scientific evidence to support this claim – it's just another convenient excuse to avoid confronting their own biases.

In the end, the real "layers of sadness" are the layers of willful ignorance, self-centeredness, and transphobia that prevent this parent from truly loving and accepting their child. They may claim to be "caring parents," but their actions speak louder than their words.

So, to all the parents out there grappling with a child's transition: it's time to peel back the layers of your own delusions. Educate yourself, challenge your biases, and prioritize your child's happiness and well-being over your own prejudices and expectations. Because the only "mind virus" here is the one that tells you your love for your child should be conditional on their gender identity.

And to Mark, and all the other transgender individuals out there: know that you are valid, loved, and deserving of acceptance, no matter what your parents or society may say. Your identity is not a delusion, a trend, or a cult – it's a fundamental part of who you are, and you have every right to live authentically and unapologetically.

These "layers of sadness" is not a story of parental grief but one that should serve as a cautionary tale about the dangers of letting your own fears, prejudices, and ego blind you to the truth of your child's identity. Places that serve to indoctrinate parents into the “gender critical” ideology and echo chambers destroy families, and they do so by weaponizing your own fears and grief against your own child. So let's peel back these layers and start building a world where every individual, regardless of their gender identity, can thrive and be celebrated for who they are. Where you might find your path to loving your son or daughter for who and what they are, and not for who you wanted them or believed them to be. Where you can accept that what was on tin was not what was inside the can, but that you love them regardless.

Sending love to the trans community
A gross oversimplification, but makes a solid point

  1. 20220610. Essay: “Layers of Sadness”

  2. We use “Mark” because the original article’s author did so. We know that is not the real name, or even the proper use of pronouns to refer to their (we assume) daughter or to (assuming pronouns) her. We lack any other information to make any kind of determination one way or the other. So for the sake of the satire and to make it clear the two pieces are related, we preserved this use of the name.